As the bicarbonate of soda to increase a member?

The small penis size can be a problem for some men. The doctors say that this problem is rather psychological, because it generates stress, which has a negative impact on the sexual life. There is a lot of action, with the help of which you can get the right size men the penis without surgery. Many of them have already been proven, but there is always the desire to learn something new and effective. As a folk remedy many use ordinary baking soda. Today, we learn that the soda penis and how effective will be this method.

The reality

how to increase a member

Increase penis size with the help of soda really. But it is a way of long period of time, the result of an increase in by many surveys, is not more than four inches.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to think well, if it is necessary. Doctors call the small size which does not exceed ten centimeters in erection. The most common size of the penis in men is an average, not more than eighteen inches in erection.

But sometimes, the owners of large sizes does not believe in his pride and have the desire to grow. In this case, the soda will not give any result. Before you increase the member using baking soda, you should know that it will be useless in the case of the presence of congenital abnormalities or chronic illnesses. In this case, the need for the advice of a specialist.

The role of the soda

The property of baking soda is its ability to penetrate into the tissues and thin the blood. Its this ability is auxiliary to enlarge the penis.

Recommend the use of this product as an additional way to workout the penis. The soda is in this case a way to protect against the injury and the negative effects during the execution of some of the exercises where there is a risk of formation of blood clots.

Application methods

Before you can increase the member at home soda, you need to decide how to take it, it is known from several options. As well, the bicarbonate of soda can be taken internally, to make it an ointment or a bath, lotions. We will examine in more detail each of these methods.


This is the most common method and is combined with the realization of some of the exercises for the penis. A litre of water take one hundred grams of soda powder. Before you increase the member using soda in a container, pour water a little over room temperature and diluted in its powder. Bathroom take some time before the beginning of the year, their length should not exceed fifteen minutes.

This procedure twice a day for a month. Many representatives of the male gender assert that this method proved to be efficient and has not caused negative effects.

Lotions and compresses

Before the bicarbonate of soda to increase the member, using a compress or compress, you need to prepare a solution. To do this, take two tablespoons of baking soda and dissolve it in half a glass is not cold water. In the solution to moisten them with gauze or a bandage and put the gender and authority.

The gauze must be of such a length so you can wrap it across your body. To do such a procedure need only about thirty days, otherwise it will not bring the expected results.

The solution of bicarbonate of soda on the application, drip two drops of oil of cypress or cardamom. The smell that emanates from the composition, helps to relax. After the procedure, you must wait a certain period of time lying in bed.


For those who know, such as the baking soda will help increase the member since more than a month, but wishes more quick to buy "the right size", it is recommended to use soda ointment. To do this, the powder was added to water, in sufficient quantity to form a paste of thick consistency. The water at this add slowly, stirring constantly.

The mixture used, and as the deployment of the tool, and in combination with certain exercises. The ointment by rubbing it over a period of ten minutes in the penis, do so with caution in order not to hurt and not to hurt. The procedure spend three times per day.

Ointment can prepare it and honey. To do this, twenty-five grams of bicarbonate of soda diluted in a tablespoon of honey. The mixture is rubbed to the genital organ. A lot of those who knows how to enlarge the penis with soda, argue that the use of several times of such a tool allows you to improve the libido and increase the duration of the sexual act. It must be remembered that the honey can cause allergies, so apply this method needs caution.


Take it inside soda, you can complement these methods. This product has the property to influence positively on the internal organs and the system. In some cases, the length of the penis is not fully disclosed due to the presence in humans of a disease. Soda, in this case, you will help get rid of toxins that may cause diseases.

Consider how to increase a member of the soda recipe proposed by the professor. In the morning and in the evening, you need to take a quarter of a teaspoon of soda powder in between meals. The amount of powder gradually the need to increase up to a teaspoon and the dining room. You can also a teaspoon teaspoon of baking soda to raise in half a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

the increase in a member of the soda

To strengthen the effect recommend the use of special means, which reinforce the blood circulation in the penis and strengthen the erection. It may be a cream, a spray, a capsule or a drop.


We know how to increase a member of baking soda. But there are a few recommendations in order to avoid manifestations of negative consequences:


This someone is interested in, such as bicarbonate soda to increase the member, it must be remembered that this procedure has contraindications. The application of this diet product the massage and compresses are non-smokers in certain cases:

The application of this food product during the reception inside the forbidden in such cases:

You must use only fresh ingredients in the product, which is why it is recommended to pay attention to the life of the soda, which is indicated on the packaging. In addition, if she is going to have a yellowish tint smell, its application is not allowed. If you are experiencing any of the reactions of your body on the baking soda, you need to stop using it. In all cases, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Therefore, the man who wants to change the size of your penis, should put forward a clear goal. Chosen as a means to achieve the objective of bicarbonate of soda, in general, is harmless. But sometimes, it can cause unpredictable reaction of the body.

Therefore, before performing the increase of the penis, the man must weigh the "for" and "against", and only then start a procedure. In any case, the problem of small penis size is purely psychological, and does not require any intervention, with the exception of pathologies are congenital, which prevent to live a normal sexual life. In such cases, takes place surgical intervention. And it must be remembered that the important thing is not the size, but the ability to manifest in the bed.