How to increase the dick in the house?

Size male member, it is an eternal topic of conversation among the representatives of the male sex. The guys care about is not directly the size, many think that more is better. But is it?

The problem of the period of pubertal

Often, in the period of puberty in boys begin with psychological problems. Comparing with others, the boys start to complex, and to look for answers on the topic of the value of your own penis is not always where it should be. Better, if the parents themselves try to explain the situation or will call in a professional.

how to increase a member of the house

At the reception at the sexologist young people are very often asked the question "up to what age can increase a member?" The process of puberty for boys begins in the period of their stay in the womb of his mother. And here is the dignity is not in a hurry to grow up, up to 12-13 years, the life of men without hormonal bursts. According to doctors, the sooner, the boy begins to transform into a human, the stronger will be his men to the constitution. But it is practically does not affect the value of a member in adult life. For the past 11 years, the penis begins to develop and at age 18, he reached 10 cm at rest. The fact that the male sexual organ, like other parts of the body grows as much as grow the man himself. Someone this process ends at the age of 23, someone to 25 years. But young people, by going to the first appointment, and assuming that will be the closeness with the partner, are very worried that it may not appeal to the size of his body. Such thoughts in most cases, leads to the decision to enlarge the penis.

A great dignity or harmonious inner peace?

What are the contemporary methods do not have the cunning sellers of all kinds of potions, which is not always of help. Particular method of enlarging the penis, known as jelking, ensures the increase of the dignity of about 2.5 see the Dr. Stephen T. Chang says that, with the help of these lessons, you can even change the shape of the penis.

As the practice shows, the women are not very interested length of the manhood, the more pleasure they receive from a member having the shape of a mushroom. Realize the gradual change of the structure, you can do only three exercises. The member must compress one by hand to get the blood flow to the sex to the authority, if the movement of "milking". The second— you have to hold the compress to the trunk at the base, until it becomes quite firm, after the release. Alternate strangle with the time, to improve erection. And last, you need to sit on a chair, legs slightly diluted in one hand and a member of tap alternately on the hips. The blow should not give unpleasant sensations. This exercise makes the head harder and slightly increases its size.