How to increase penis with the help of baking soda

Even the best quality of soda does not work when pathologies are congenital in the domain of the intimate, of the deformation or abnormally small sizes of the reproductive authority. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to a surgical procedure with a professional plasticity.

The increase in a member of the caustic comments which you can read below is not only ineffective, but can harm the health of men.

the increase in a member of the soda

Regarding the penis enlargement methods using baking soda, you may experience both positive and negative opinions of the doctors and the patients themselves. But most of the men all the same, to underline the good effect of the use of sodium bicarbonate.

According to the words of the patients, this method of increasing helps make the manhood long and 1 cm later than one month after the first use. The opinions of doctors are separated, each categorically against the use of soda, others take charge of the men. But all the doctors and patients converge in a single opinion – passion soda product would result in negative consequences for the health.

A way to increase a member's baking soda – an effective method, but requires special attention when applying. If the conduct of the proceedings properly, the result is not to wait for a long time.

The combination of baking soda with other means

Sometimes, in order to mitigate the action of the caustic soda are used to other substances.

  1. For example, many men prefer the different creams. It may be common for cream on a basis that is oily, or of special funds to increase the penis.
  2. A little cream mixed with a small amount of baking soda, and then gently massaged into the skin of the penis. The presence of the cream into the mixture to make an impact large and neat.

The main thing here – to find the cream of the cream that does not cause allergies and irritations.

You can use bowls, wraps and scrubs with baking soda as a further means of drug treatment of erectile dysfunction, or for the violation of erection, caused by stress, fatigue, or other problems have no connection with the reproductive system.


For those who know, such as the baking soda will help increase the member since more than a month, but wishes more quick to buy "the right size", it is recommended to use soda ointment. To do this, the powder was added to water, in sufficient quantity to form a paste of thick consistency. The water at this add slowly, stirring constantly.

The mixture used, and as the deployment of the tool, and in combination with certain exercises. The ointment by rubbing it over a period of ten minutes in the penis, do so with caution in order not to hurt and not to hurt. The procedure spend three times per day.

Ointment can prepare it and honey. To do this, twenty-five grams of bicarbonate of soda diluted in a tablespoon of honey. The mixture is rubbed to the genital organ. A lot of those who knows how to enlarge the penis with soda, argue that the use of several times of such a tool allows you to improve the libido and increase the duration of the sexual act. It must be remembered that the honey can cause allergies, so apply this method needs caution.

Contra-indications to the use of bicarbonate of soda

Unfortunately, because of ignorance, many men think that the baking soda can be used in the kitchen, or to eliminate heartburn.

In reality, scientists have conducted numerous studies which have proven that the soda is not only an alternative means of household chemistry, but also of the magnificent medications which will help to get rid of the huge amount of males of the disease.

  1. Before you use the baking soda to increase the penis, you need to get rid of various inflammatory diseases. Baking soda has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and drying action. All in all, it will be able to issue the man of inflammation and the development of diseases.
  2. The baking soda will help to man not only increase the size of the authority, but also to prevent the development of a variety of tumors, which comprise as benign and malignant tumors. The soda is an alkaline environment, which stops the division of cancer cells. In addition to all of this, scientists have proven that it stops the formation of metastases, and, therefore, prevent the proliferation of malignant tumors in the body of a man.
  3. Soda strengthens the immune system of the man, and is also used in the prevention of many diseases of the male.
  4. One of the greatest signs of increase penis with soda, is to strengthen. Absolutely any man of the house can restore a normal response, as well as get rid of prostate inflammation just use a cooking soda.
  5. The internal use of baking soda to get rid of the stagnation in the pelvic organs, which appears when a sedentary lifestyle or frequent travel and driving. If you combine a lifestyle with a poor diet, in the formation of the violation of the power, as well as a weak erection.
  6. The baking soda increases the activity of the spermatozoa, which makes them more durable and robust. Therefore, this product is necessary for the men who want to have children.

Popular ways to increase penis with the help of baking soda

In order to enlarge the penis typically use the following methods with the help of soda:

how to increase a member
  • soda scrub;
  • soda blinders;
  • massage of the soda.

By applying baking soda in a home, it is recommended to exercise caution, in particular when you use the bathroom, because the greater impact of the baking soda can dry the delicate skin and lead to cracks.

The tool Composition The preparation and application of the
The bowls
  • The hot water – 200 ml;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon
  1. The soda dissolves in a glass of water.
  2. The penis is immersed in a bath of 15 minutes.

Take the bath, you must at the earliest one hour before the sexual act. With the help of this method, you can obtain a significant increase of the elasticity of the skin

Soda scrub
  • Baking soda – 1 tablespoon;
  • the water
  1. The soda diluted with water until mushy consistency.
  2. The composition received from a lubrication to the sexual organ and tasty movements massaged in 5-7 minutes.


  • in order not to hurt the skin, the movement must be very soft;
  • if felt a burning sensation, or itching, the tool must be flushed immediately and coat the surface of natural fats (vegetable or animal), without affecting the crown;
  • when burning in the neighborhood of the head of his need as soon as possible rinse it under running water.

With the help of this tool, you can greatly strengthen erections

Moon scrub
  • Liquid honey – 1 tablespoon ;
  • soda – 1 tablespoon
  1. The honey and baking soda are mixed in equal proportions.
  2. The received structure is lubricated the penis and pounded the movements massaging for 5 minutes.

The result of the application is similar to the after effect of soda scrub. However, the honey softens the baking soda, making it the safest method

Soda poultice
  • Soda – 1 tablespoon ;
  • gauze towel;
  • the water
  1. The soda is placed on the gauze cloth that is lightly moistened by the water.
  2. The poultice put in the penis.
  3. Keep the design of it should not be less than 15 and less than 20 minutes.

Improves the blood flow to the penis

Drinking a solution
  • A glass of water (200 ml);
  • soda 0,5 c.
  1. The soda dissolves in a glass of warm water.
  2. The liquid is consumed in the first half of the day before meals
Soda lotion
  • Soda – 1 tablespoon ;
  • a glass of water
  1. The penis is thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. The soda is dissolved in water and this liquid is washed with the penis.
  3. After the procedure, the body is not flushed from the water, it has dried naturally

Soda massage:

  1. The penis is thoroughly washed, dried thoroughly and lubricated with the olive oil.
  2. The top of the base oil is applied soda (1 tablespoon).
  3. Received the mask is massaged in to the penis, the movements should be gentle and circular. Duration of massage – 10 minutes.
  4. After the procedure, the penis is rinsed in water and with a lubrication oil.
  5. After the absorption of the excess oil is cleaned with a paper tissue.

The composition must not fall on the head.

ways of penis enlargement

All manipulations may not be more than 1 time per day. The duration of the course of impact on the penis of 2 to 3 weeks, depending on the condition of the skin and the well-being of men. Taking the soda inside, you should carefully monitor the state of health and in case of the occurrence of various sensations (burning, itching, etc), the reception should cease immediately.