Penis enlargement at home

Men who wish to increase the size of the penis are faced with a choice between the operations, coming from the antiquity of the techniques developed in the past decades, medication, and devices. However, most representatives of the stronger sex focuses specifically on the penis enlargement at home, then surgery in the journal of the analyzer, and to consider only the methods that you can do not disturb the normal mode of life and remaining able to work, to increase the penis at home if you want, or need, while retaining the mystery of the occupation of a building of the size of the penis.

Penis enlargement at home with the help of a multiplier

the increase in a member of the house

Expander – a special device for the penis, which secures the body tense. Wear a extender, it is recommended every day from 6 to 8 hours with breaks, three times. Provided you adhere to the time specified for the port expander gives an effect of six months. The gain is realized in a quantity of up to 30% of the initial length. In the thickness of the penis when you are wearing the device also increases, because the load of the training is distributed on the whole surface of the body.

The principle of operation of a multiplier. Expander works exactly like the growth rings combine a long neck, exotic girls of the tribes. The principle is the following: a part of the body, of a clock located tense, begins to increase in size. This occurs because of the protective reaction of the body at a cellular level — to prevent the rupture of tissues, cells seek to strengthen the division, filling out an extended space.

The increase of one member in the house of a pump or a hydro-pump

The pump is a device by acting on the penis using a vacuum. The penis under the influence of the air "inflated" from the inside is filled with blood to the maximum and with the time more in addition to the size, condition of sprains.

The pump varies of air and hydro-pump.

The air pump are considered obsolete because of the insecurity: the thin air, deals damage to the form of bruises and hematomas. The duration of the activity with an air of fanfare is limited.

Hydro-accessories instead of the air, the water is used, which is not harmful to the sexual life of the authority. Use hydro pump, you can much longer than air. This gives a greater chance of increase in a member for ever, not in time, so that the main condition to get a result rather of the period of employment. However, a penis pump at home is not enough. This device is used as an additional tool to a massage or a special device and works more on length than on quantity.

The increase of the penis in the home through massage

Jelking, massage for growth of a member, has steadily gained in popularity thanks to the Internet. It is working on manual technique, recognized since ancient times. In the arab countries, the boys of the nobility joined to a massage early age: the growth of the body are more sensitive than others to the exercise, and the effect will be better. But the adults are the result, make an effort. The lack of this type of massage, and each day it takes hours of course. In this sense, the massage assigns device — the operating principle is the same, but the extension is "free" of the hand and frees up time for other business.

On the internet forums on the trafficking of gels, creams, supplements, hormones for penis enlargement and even baking soda. But until that nowhere has not been officially registered the increase of the male sexual organ, associated with outside installations, vitamins or tablets.

how to increase a member of the house

Exception — a violation of the hormone of development of the child. In this case, an endocrinologist refers to injections of male hormones, including into the penis, causing the development of this organ. An adult male hormones, yes even assigned to a doctor, not to interfere.

Creams, gels, and other external tools which call for the short term an increase in the size of the penis associated with a filling of blood.

Thus, the increase of one member to the house is possible, and it is not disputed, that among these methods, both free and paid, giving the handset a variant with more rapid effect. Arm yourself with patience and proceed with a course of massage, do not last less than one year, or buy an extender and get results after six months everyone makes the decision for you.